In December 2020, while taking on a new hobby of sewing scrunchies, Chongos By Vee was founded and created. From a hobby to a small business, Chongos By Vee continues to help feed the hungry one Chongo at a time. Not only have we been able to feed the homeless but also provide toiletries & essentials through Coachella Valley & Orange County. During the 2021 holiday season with the help of our #chongogang we were able to raise over 300 items of toiletries that were distributed in the O.C. area. For more info on our #chongomovement or if you’d like to be apart of the movement check out The Chongo Movement tab on our Home page.

Chongos by Vee started feeding the homeless and continues to strive to make a connection with those in need and create a personable experience.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Be Kind!

Love & Light!
